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096 - Island Airport Suggestions


  1. Well they were going to build a bridge years ago, they had all the funding for it too. Then the mayor at the time, David Miller, cancelled it, and had to pay millions in fees out of the taxpayer's pocket to the company who was going to build it. They're building a tunnel because they can't build a bridge because of the ghosts of politicians past.

    1. Oops! Was this a touchy subject? Let's make it swans so that every one will be happy.
      I was not sure what "the ghosts of politicians past" meant, and Kevin told me the whole Christmas story about the past ghost, present ghost & future ghost. I learn new things from everyone's comment...

  2. A zip line would be cheaper and way more fun!
    Walking is for chumps!

    1. I was leaning towards swans, but a zip line may be more refreshing. We will probably have to sign on a waiver either way.

  3. Heh! Swans would be nice, but I propose some sort of human cannonball arrangement! All you'd need is a circus cannon and a trapeze rope-net on each side. Just think of how exhilarating it would be! :D

    1. Probably swans are easier on your back...Who is not being realistic here? ;-)

  4. Does other boats/ships go through, apart from the ferry? A bridge would be bad if that is the case, you can't build it too low. I think zip lining rocks!

  5. You got the scale exactly right. That silly ferry was about a third of the distance it was meant to cover!
