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069 - "Gentle" Master


  1. Bahaha! So totally relate-able~it took my JRT a while to learn this as well.

    Maybe you could try holding the treat slightly further away and when Kuma moves too fast you snatch your hand away without letting Kuma get the treat...this way Kuma will approach slower and more gently. The lesson for Kuma will be too fast and excited = no treat. Then you can slowly close the distance for subsequent treats training. =)

    1. Thank you for your advice, L! I have been training Kuma in a similar way, and he is improving. My hand is covered with scars though... (Just kidding. :p)

  2. What do you need Kuma to be gentle in?

  3. aww 熊ちゃん大丈夫ですか

    1. ”くま”って漢字で書くと、ごつい感じになりますね。発見です!(笑)

  4. Poor little Kuma, he looked a bit like a chiwawa for a second when you rebuked him, lol! Anyway, I wouldn't worry if I were you, Hanako: I'm sure that he got the message that he isn't supposed to bite you, rather than simply being confused. By the way, I noticed a new innovation this week in your art: grey shadowing on your face. Cool! Did you use water-colour paint to get the effect, or is it somehow computer generated? Just wondering.

    1. Good eye! :) I draw comics on a piece of paper, and Kevin scans and colors them for me. He uses Photo Shop.
